Trinity has ample, convenient parking, including many designated handicapped parking places. All entrances to the building are accessible, there are no steps or steep inclines in the entire facility, and there is an accessible restroom. Any door will get you to the right place, but the entrance on the far left is closest to the sanctuary.
There is a Welcome Table and coffee station just inside that door, and volunteers are always available to answer questions, give directions, or offer assistance. For example, hearing assist devices and large-print bulletins are available upon request.
Trinity is a come-as-you-are congregation: Wear whatever is most comfortable for you. Most people come in dress casual.
Children are always welcome in worship, and the sound of children is a joy not a bother. There are activity bags, fidget toys, children’s bulletins, and a large selection of children’s books in the narthex. We have a Children’s Sermon the 4th Sunday of the month. If sitting through the entire service is too challenging, families can visit the nursery together, where the service is live streamed.
Lutheran worship is liturgical, which means “the work of the people.” It follows a predictable pattern with parts for everyone to pray and sing together as a community as you feel comfortable. Those participatory parts are clearly indicated in bold in the bulletin, and there is no need to have anything memorized.
Trinity’s wide welcome includes an open communion table: all baptized believers are welcome to receive Holy Communion at God’s Table with us. Beginning in the back, ushers invite each row to come forward, where the pastor places a wafer in each person’s hand, which they dip in nonalcoholic wine. The pastor has gluten free wafers available upon request. For those who find coming forward too difficult, worship leaders deliver the communion elements to them in their seats. Very young children and those who do not wish to receive Holy Communion are also welcome to come forward for a blessing as they are comfortable.
10 am Sundays
10 am Sundays
See links below.
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